316 Bridgewater St
Fredericksburg, VA 22401
(540) 681-1734

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Your Chiropractor in Fredericksburg, VA

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Welcome to Alive by Design Chiropractic Center!

Our mission is to serve God by serving the families of our community, region, and world through specific, scientific, neurological based Chiropractic care.

Located in Fredericksburg, VA, we hope you choose Alive by Design for your chiropractic needs.

Thank you for visiting our website, and it is our hope that the we can be of assistance!

Chiropractic Services

At our state of the art facility, we deliver neurological based chiropractic care to not only alleviate pain but to have you functioning at a higher potential. 

Alleviate Symptoms Through Total Wellness

  • migraine headaches
  • chronic pain
  • chronic allergies
  • dizziness/vertigo
  • fibromyalgia
  • shoulder/arm pain
  • numbness
  • insomnia
  • scoliosis
  • ear infections
  • sciatica
  • breech presentations
  • and more

Please take advantage of all the information provided and contact us at (540) 681-1734 if we can offer specific information suited to your healthcare needs. Remember, we are here because CHIROPRACTIC WORKS!

But don't just take our word for it, be sure to read our patient testimonials!


(540) 681-1734   |   316 Bridgewater St, Fredericksburg, VA 22401

Patient Testimonials

Our Fredericksburg, VA patients speak out on their chiropractic success with Dr. Matthews and Alive by Design Chiropractic Center!

George, Sleep Apnea

George came in with a multitude of issues. Neck pain, back pain, knee pain, and even trouble sleeping. After a few weeks of specific, scientific, chiropractic care he informed the office that he had been snoring with his C-PAP sleep apnea breathing device turned all the way up, but only after a few weeks of care he informed us that his wife finally got to sleep without hearing him snore.


Michele came in suffering for years with chronic low back pain and neck pain. She needed to take ibuprofen and aleve daily just to make it through her day. With specific, scientific, principled chiropractic care done with time and repetition, Michele has seen her pain improve tremendously. She no longer has to eat ibuprofen and aleve for breakfast. She hasn’t taken any drugs in over a week! Michele is healing and beginning to express her life at her God given potential! Michelle wants you to know that chiropractic, “has changed my life, not only with pain but my entire wellbeing.” 


Tiffany, High Blood Pressure

Tiffany dealt with High Blood Pressure for years that was so severe she required two different daily medications to manage it. After finally being fed up with taking daily medications and hearing the message of Principled Chiropractic she came into the office. Over time and with repetition and specific, scientific, principled chiropractic adjustments her blood pressure went from 194/90 and is now 126/74! She hasn’t taken a single blood pressure medication since beginning and is doing great!


Mary, Balance Issues

Mary came into the office suffering from nerve damage  in her foot and balance issues that were affecting her life and ability to work around the house. She had been dealing with these issues for years and was taking several medications. Since  hearing the vision of the office and the message of Principled Chiropractic she came into the office. Over time and with repetition and specific, scientific, principled chiropractic adjustments she has seen amazing improvements in her balance, her foot, and is no longer falling! 


Casey, Low Back Pain

Casey came in suffering for years with chronic low back pain and shooting pain down his left arm that affected his life and ability to work.  It was so bad he was taking aspirin every day to make the pain stop. With specific, scientific, principled chiropractic care done with time and repetition, Casey no longer experiences shooting pain down into his arm and chronic low back pain! He hasn’t taken an aspirin since and is doing great and now is able to fully express life at his God given potential! 


Kevin, Sinus Headaches

Kevin  suffered for as far back as he can remember with sinus headaches. He took over the counter medications regularly and tried many different ones that did nothing for him. After hearing the vision and message of the office, he came in. Over time and with repetition and specific, scientific, principled chiropractic care he hasn’t had a sinus headache since.   


Health Articles

Chronic Torticollis Resolved with Chiropractic
Chronic Torticollis Resolved with Chiropractic
The Journal of Contemporary Chiropractic published the results of a case study on April 29, 2024, that documented the resolution with chiropractic care of a patient suffering from chronic torticollis. According to the Orthopedic Dictionary, torticollis, which can be either congenital or acquired, is defined . . .
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Sleep Apnea Helped by Chiropractic
Sleep Apnea Helped by Chiropractic
The Asian Pacific Chiropractic Journal published the results of a case study on October 1, 2024, documenting the improvement under chiropractic care of a patient suffering with obstructive sleep apnea. . . .
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Study Shows Chiropractic Saves People Money
Study Shows Chiropractic Saves People Money
On March 6, 2024, the scientific journal Chiropractic & Manual Therapies published the results of a literature review study showing that people who utilized chiropractic for spine-related pain first saved money on all healthcare related costs. . . .
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Child with Sickle Cell Disease Gets Symptomatic Relief with Chiropractic
Child with Sickle Cell Disease Gets Symptomatic Relief with Chiropractic
The Mayo Clinics website describes this condition by saying, "Sickle cell anemia is one of a group of inherited disorders known as sickle cell disease. It affects the shape of red blood cells, which carry oxygen to all parts of the body." The site further notes that this condition can cause pain episodes. . . .
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Office Hours

Sunday Closed
Monday 10am - 1pm
2pm - 6pm
Tuesday 10am - 1pm
2pm - 6pm
Wednesday 2pm - 6pm
Thursday 10am - 1pm
2pm - 6pm
Friday Closed
Saturday Closed


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